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  • Writer's pictureSoyfoodscouncil

Chocolate Tofu Ice Cream


1 envelope unflavored gelatin

¼ cup water

2 cups chocolate soy milk

8 oz. soft silken tofu

½ cup chocolate syrup – Hershey’s

½ cup sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla


Sprinkle gelatin over water. Microwave 15 to 20 seconds or until gelatin is dissolved.

Stir in 1 cup of the soy milk.

Place tofu and remaining 1 cup soy milk in blender container. Blend until smooth.Add gelatin-soy milk mixture, chocolate syrup, sugar and vanilla. Blend.

Place in ice cream freezer container.

Freeze according to manufacturer’s directions.

Place in another container; cover, and freeze.

Remove from freezer about 5 minutes before serving.

NotesMakes 5½ cups

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