Search Results
92 items found for "world-health-day"
- Cooked with Love
Soy protein has so many health benefits, check them out on our website Start this season incorporate some healthy and nutritious soy protein into your holiday meals.
- Tofu Mushroom Tacos
Best of all: save leftover taco filling and reheat for a speedy, easy lunch the next day. Recipe from Plant-Powered for Life: Eat Your Way to Lasting Health with 52 Simple Steps and 125 Delicious Note: Store the leftover taco filling in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.
- Tofu Mushroom Tacos
Best of all: save leftover taco filling and reheat for a speedy, easy lunch the next day. Recipe from Plant-Powered for Life: Eat Your Way to Lasting Health with 52 Simple Steps and 125 Delicious Note: Store the leftover taco filling in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.
- Soy Series: Part Three
This oil is beneficial for our health.
- Cool Soyfoods Recipe Ideas for Summer
The website also offers updates on the latest research about soy and your health, as well as more summery
- Banana Pancakes
Look for soy flour in the baking aisle at your nearest local health or grocery store, or purchase online
- New Soy Food Guide Offers Tips, Research Updates and Recipes for National Soy Foods Month
Recipes in the illustrated Soy Foods Guide demonstrate why soy is a star in the plant protein world.
- Soy Series: Part One
We wrap things up with our fourth article, which looks at how soy foods impact our health.
- Tempeh Bites
’re looking for one more reason to enjoy tempeh as a meat alternative, remember that soyfoods are a healthful
- Braised Cinnamon Tofu
Her most recent book is “Spices of Life: Simple and Delicious Recipes for Great Health.”
- LILY Gyoza
You’ll find the tofu and soy burgers in the refrigerated meats or health foods sections.
- Mixed Berry Delight
From: Joyce Conard, 1st Place Winner, Dessert Category, in the Kansas State Fair Heart Healthy Recipe